Automated Reports

Financial Report: Automated

The following are the financial statements arranged according to the financial years for which they are available. The reports are system generated. For any queries, please contact the Secretary.

Financial Year: 2023

Funding Sources

Membership: K900.00
Subscription: K600.00
Projects: K2,250.00
Deposits: K13,280.00
Sub Total Amount: K17,030.00

Balances Brought Forward From 2022

Membership BBF: K0.00
Subscription BBF: K1,900.00
Total Amount: K18,930.00

Less Expenses

Expenses: K4,580.00
Closing Balance: K14,350.00

Financial Year: 2024

Funding Sources

Membership: K0.00
Subscription: K80.00
Projects: K22,390.00
Deposits: K7,200.00
Sub Total Amount: K29,670.00

Balances Brought Forward From 2023

Membership BBF: K3,640.20
Subscription BBF: K4,500.00
Total Amount: K37,810.20

Less Expenses

Expenses: K43,180.00